Thermodynamics and Combustion Technology
Development of combustion technologies is central in reducing the emissions of energy production, particularly in the transition towards new biomass-based fuels. To this end, researchers at Aalto University utilise both empirical and computational thermodynamics.
The Thermodynamics and Combustion Technology research group works within the themes a) High performance CFD, simulation and modelling in energy applications, b) Advanced Experimental Flow and Combustion Diagnostics, c) Advanced Bioenergy Conversion and d) Novel Concepts in Thermal Materials.
Our expertise in research and higher education is based on thermodynamics, fluid mechanics and chemistry in energy technology. Our technology applications of the research focus mainly on combustion and spray technology, thermal materials and bioenergy conversion.
Research topics: High performance CFD, simulation and modelling in energy applications, advanced experimental flow and combustion diagnostics, advanced bioenergy conversion and novel concepts in thermal materials.
Personnel: Professor Mika Järvinen, Professor Martti Larmi, Professor Ville Vuorinen
Aalto University research themes: Advanced energy solutions