Mechatronic Circus
Kevään huipennus, Mechatronic Circus, tarjoaa jälleen upeita laitteita, joita myös yleisö pääsee käyttämään ja kokeilemaan.
Map © OpenStreetMap. Some rights reserved.
Mechatronic Circus on mekatroniikan kurssien lopputyönäyttely, jossa Aalto-yliopiston opiskelijat esittelevät rakentamiaan laitteita. Työt on suunniteltu yhteistyössä tutkijoiden kanssa.
Tapahtuma järjestetään tänä keväänä kuudetta kertaa. Tapahtumasta vastaa Aalto-yliopiston konetekniikan laitos.
Näyttelyssä ovat esillä seuraavat laitteet:
- Active magnetic bearing -AMB^3 is a new type of backup bearing test rig. Backup bearing supports the rotor while the device is not in operation, prevents the electromagnet poles, electric motor stator and rotor damaging in case of magnetic bearing system failure or bearing overload.
- Calibrig is a new satellite calibration system developed for ICEYE, a Finnish space start-up that was seeking a way to calibrate their Synthetic Aperture Radar panels on the ground before they are fitted in their satellite.
- Electronic fuel injection (EFI) for small combustion engines. Usually small combustion engines are carbureted and engine control is achieved mechanically leading to poor fuel economy and high emissions. EFI system improves both fuel economy and lowers emissions.
- eMEP2016 is an energy saving system to minimize battery usage in electrified excavator.
- EMMA Interactive Art - experience the Playful, Mysterious, Secretive and Interactive mechatronic artworks for the EMMA museum in Tapiola.
- Mechanochemical ablation catheter for Helsinki University Hospital. User-friendly and reusable tool for treating varicose veins that also reduces pain during the treatment has been developed together with vascular surgeons.
- Micro Imprint Lithography is a tool for creating an optical pattern on a metallic surface for analysing deformations under stress.
- MyPadLock is a portable keyless lock mechanism for bicycles developed together with Lukoton, a Finnish start-up offering bluetooth operated locks.
- Pneumatic Athlete 2.0 is a pneumatically powered football kicking device.
- Sitting posture control is a webcam-based system for measuring the posture of a sitting person in order to prevent back pain.
- SLS 3D Printer is a test rig that enables research and development of printing materials and material distribution for Selective Laser Singering (SLS).
- SteadyCar is a vehicle platform with electronic stability and remote driving controls for educational use.
- Table-Top Fibre Layup Machine (ComposIT) enables the automated manufacturing of composite structures with advanced manufacturing methodology on a smaller scale.
Puumiehenkujan tilat ja laboratoriot pitävät tapahtuman aikana ovensa auki. Tervetuloa tutustumaan muunmuassa Energiatekniikan tutkimusryhmiin ja SIGNAL IoT Acceleratoriin!
Energiatekniikka esittelee:
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SIGNAL IoT Kiihdyttämö toivottaa tervetulleeksi tutustumaan heidän juuri valmistuneisiin tiloihinsa ja kuulemaan miten he voivat kiihdyttää opiskelijoiden, tutkijoiden, start-upien ja yritysten IoT bisnesideoita.