Design Factory 10 vuotta!

2018-10-04 08:00:18 2018-10-05 23:59:37 Europe/Helsinki Design Factory 10 vuotta! Tervetuloa juhlimaan kanssamme! Otakaari 2, 02150, Espoo

Tervetuloa juhlimaan kanssamme!

04.-05.10.2018 / 08:00

Design Factory avattiin syyskuussa 2008 ja avajaisia vietettiin 3.10. 2008. Merkkipäivän kunniaksi järjestetään kaksipäiväinen, kaikille avoin tapahtuma, joka tarjoaa mielenkiintoisia luentoja, seminaareja, workshoppeja, puheita sekä aamiais- ja lounastapaamisia.

Tätä juhlaa ei kannata jättää väliin!

Osa tapahtumista saattaa täyttyä nopeasti, joten varaa paikkasi ajoissa. Katso kaikki tapahtumat ohjelmasivulta

Tässä poimintoja ohjelmasta:

Future of Technology Education – An event with the newly appointed professors of technology education Kaiju Kangas (University of Helsinki) and Maria Clavert (Aalto University) as keynote speakers.

Product Development in 4 hours (PD4)

Design Thinking Crash Course – will go through the origin, basics and applications of design thinking using an interactive workshop approach.

Peer to Peer Teaching – A series of 30-minute rapid hands on lessons by your peers!

Design Factory & The Next 10 Years – a hands-on, structured workshop that focuses on identifying user needs and different scenarios developing “the next big thing”.

Learn Prototyping – Ever wanted to try out welding, soldering or laser-cutting? Now you have an opportunity to learn all these and much more with the gurus from MachineShop, ElectroShop, and PrintShop.

ME310 Paper Bike Race – A testament to how good the students were at experimenting and iterating in a situation no-one could have been prepared for.

Desiging an Electric Device for Business and Production – The students are presenting their plans for the electric device they will be building by the end of the course.

Design [Thinking] Research Across Disciplines – This session aims to identify synergies across the university, bringing together different academics working with design thinking and design in organizations.

Ja paljon muuta!

Tervetuloa juhlimaan 10-vuotiasta Design Factorya!