Meditation Duel a hit at the Mechatronic Circus
This year, the theme of the event was industrial internet.

Outside, an automatic football launcher allowed visitors to try their hand at goalkeeping.
Showcasing projects prepared during mechatronics courses, the fourth annual Mechatronic Circus attracted a record number of Aalto people, alumni and students from nearby upper secondary schools – almost 500 visitors in total. This year, the theme of the event was industrial internet.
“We were especially glad to have been joined at the event by almost 100 alumni,” said Head of Department Petri Kuosmanen from the Department of Engineering Design and Production. “We want to keep our alumni up to date on developments in teaching and research in the field, to show them what’s new.”
The event gave students of mechatronics an opportunity to show what they had learned over the past year and valuable experience in presenting a project.
Upper secondary school students found briefings on studies in the field of technology interesting, but the Circus gave them a real look at what forms those studies might take in practice.
Invitees included students from Helsinki School of Natural Sciences, the Lauttasaari co-educational school, Gymnasiet Grankulla samskolan as well as Etelä-Tapiola and Ilmajoki upper secondary schools.
Opening ceremonies were held in conjunction with the Digi Breakfast, where Vice President Tuija Pulkkinen gave an opening address. Laura Juvonen and Jussi Neuvo of the Technology Industries of Finland Centennial Foundation presented the Metex Award to Otto Tierto, MSc (Tech.) for his master’s thesis in the field of mechanical engineering.
The event was organised by the Aalto University Department of Engineering Design and Production.